Detached was a book design project for an upper division design course. Its' purpose is to lift the veil on the food industry in America in order challenge readers to question how far they have become detached from their food. Throughout the book design process I created repetitive patterns in order to further emphasize the concept of mass production and loss of identity for sentient beings. I also experimented with printing on vellum paper in order to further create the illusion of a veil being lifted through the use of slight transparency with some of the pages. Overall, I wanted the book to have an aesthetic that was more conceptual rather than filling it with graphic images of animal exploitation. The reason for this design choice was that I wanted readers who might potentially be unaware of this issue to not immediately turn away at the sight of gruesome images. I wanted to be able to hook the reader in with an attractive book that would also serve to educate in a digestible way. 
You can view the entire book design here.
F I N A L   P R O D U C T